
Learn to bake bread as a spiritual practice.

From God’s provision of manna in the wilderness to Jesus’ miraculous multiplication of loaves, bread functions throughout scripture as a sign of God’s presence and provision. In our Bake & Pray course, you will learn the ins-and-outs of bread baking, unlocking the spiritual parallels woven into each loaf and discovering how to meet God with your hands in dough.

Edible Theology founder Kendall Vanderslice trained in baking and pastry at top restaurants and bakeries along the East Coast. Rushing from work to church each Sunday, she reflected on the connection between the dough that clung to her hands and wrists and the bread blessed and broken in communion.

Weaving baking science and technique together with theological reflection, Kendall will teach you how to incorporate bread making into the rhythms of your busy life. Whether you are a lifelong baker or intimidated by the thought of yeast, you’ll step away from this course with a practical understanding of how to bake bread and a deep appreciation for the ways God can shape you in the process.

Kendall’s passion shines through in how she speaks about bread and its relationship to our spiritual life. I cannot wait to continue learning from her!
— Bake & Pray participant
Kendall’s experience and passion for baking and prayer join together to make this course a wonderful exploration of how our God given minds, bodies and spirit can be enlivened through simple down to earth practices such as making bread.
— -Bake & Pray participant
I’ve been baking bread for several years, and I love that there’s always something new to learn
— Bake & Pray participant


Bake & Pray On-Demand:

Watch these videos again and again as the lessons sink in!

1. Welcome to Bake & Pray
2. Mise en Place
3. All about Flour
4. All about Salt & Yeast
5. Water, Temperature, and the Quest for Control
6. Mixing
7. Stretch & Fold
8. Bread in the Bible
9. Shaping
10. Pots & Pans
11. Scoring
12. Baking

BONUS: Bake & Pray on-demand includes two guided liturgy videos, demonstrating how to implement our Liturgy for Bread Baking.

Each video is captioned to assist those with hearing impairments.