Advent Week 4: On Opening Up (In collaboration with WeWelcome)

On this fourth Sunday of Advent, we’re going to look to the hospitality given and received by the Holy Family just after Christ’s birth. And we’re going to examine what this story encourages us to do. I hope that this story sparks in you a desire to build communities marked by generosity—I expect you’ll find fulfillment greater than you could have imagined too. Listen in.

This Advent, we partnered with WeWelcome, an organization that teaches Americans how to advocate on behalf of our refugee neighbors. Together, we are learning how the hospitality found in the story of Christ’s birth invites us to live out welcome today. You can follow along with our free Advent devotional, “Bread is Home: A Guide to Showing Welcome.”

Links and Resources::

Be sure to grab a free copy of our Advent Guide, “Bread is Home: A Guide for Showing Welcome.”

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Follow The Edible Theology Project on Facebook or Instagram.

After you've listened to the episode, use these discussion questions to reflect further. Consider discussing them around the table with a friend or two.

Think of a time when you opened up to a friend and shared a personal struggle. How did you feel after sharing? How did it impact your relationship?

Have you ever shared a trouble with a friend and found out they were experiencing a similar thing? How did that affect you both?

Has someone living in poverty ever hosted you? What was it like?

What is one step that you can take in the next month to learn more or take action to show welcome to refugees in your community?

Along with the Kitchen Meditations podcast, we send out a weekly newsletter called The Weekly Digest. It’s simple, consistent, and a great resource for Sunday reflections. We also include a free PDF download with the week’s prayer, discussion questions, and a unique seasonal recipe created by Kendall Vanderslice. This week’s recipe is Zala’s Spiced Rice from our Advent series.

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